Accredited by
The Gold Standard
in Global Healthcare

At HealthBay Aviation & Aerospace Medicine – Umm Al Sheif Verve Villa, we take immense pride in offering top-tier aviation medical services. Our clinic is your trusted partner for GCAA, FAA, Malawi, and EASA (available soon) aviation medical certifications.

Expertise and Precision

Our highly specialized team of aviation medicine professionals is dedicated to ensuring your safety and compliance in the aviation industry. With a wealth of experience, we excel in providing precise medical evaluations tailored to various aviation authorities’ standards.

Wide Range of Certifications

Whether you require GCAA, FAA, Malawi, GACA or EASA (available soon) medical certifications, HealthBay Aviation Clinic cover it all. Our comprehensive services encompass with the complete scope of Medical Assessment Services that includes:

  • Initial Medical Assessment for all Medical Classes
  • Renewal Medical Certification for all Medical Classes
  • Periodical Assessment for all Medical Classes
  • Sickness Reports
  • Reinstatement Endorsement
  • Follow-up Assessment
  • Medical Boards Assessment

Multiple AMEs Available in One Roof

At HealthBay Aviation & Aerospace Medicine – Umm Al Sheif Verve Villa, your success in the aviation field is our utmost priority. We offer you the peace of mind and confidence that come with thorough medical evaluations and certifications. Having Certified Specialist Aero Medical Examiners in various disciplines from Senior AMEs holding GCAA, FAA, Malawi & soon EASA, to GCAA certified Cardiologist & Psychologists.

Embrace Your Aviation Journey with HealthBay

Trust HealthBay Aviation & Aerospace Medicine – Umm Al Sheif Verve Villa for your aviation medical needs. With our expertise, dedication, and commitment to excellence, we are here to support your aviation career every step of the way.

State-of-the-Art Facility

HealthBay Aviation & Aerospace Medicine – Umm Al Sheif Verve Villa provides a time-efficient turnaround with our established on-site laboratory, imaging facilities and supportive medical specialties. Our advanced facility is equipped with cutting-edge medical equipment, ensuring thorough and accurate assessments. Conveniently catering to our aeromedical clients, our facility presents a comprehensive range of services including diagnostics, radiology, audiometry, spirometry, ECG, and ophthalmology, all housed under a single roof.

Our Aviation & Aerospace Medicine administrators can be reached on +971547510991 or Whatsapp or drop us an email at

  • GCAA Medical Certificate Requirements
  • FAA Medical Certificate Requirements
  • Malawi Medical Certificate Requirements

GCAA Medical Certificate Requirements

Class One (CPL, MPL, ATPL)

Age 18 – 30 30 – 40 40- 60 60 – 65
Validity 1 yr 1 yr 6 months (SP) 1 yr (MP) 6 months
ECG 5 yr 2 yr 1 yr (40 – 50), then at every revalidation / renewal 6 months
Audio 5 yr 5 yr 2 yr 1 yr
Serum Lipids At first issue of a MC then WCI WCI At age of 40, then every 5 years and WCI 6 months
HbA1C WCI WCI At age of 40 then every 5 years and WCI WCI
CBC At first issue of a MC then at every revalidation / renewal

Class Three (ATC)

Age 18 – 40 40 – 60 Over 60
Validity 2 yr 1 yr 6 months
ECG 4 yrs till age 30 yrs, then at all revalidation or renewal and WCI
Audio 4 yr 2 yr 1 yr
Serum Lipids At first issue of a MC then WCI At age of 40, then every 5 yrs till 60 and WCI 6 months
HbA1c WCI At age of 40 then every 5 years and WCI WCI
CBC At first issue of a MC then WCI

Cabin Crew

Age Under 40 Over 40
Validity 5 yr 5 yr
ECG At age 40 5 yr
Serum Lipids WCI WCI

Class Two (FE)

Age 18 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 65
Validity 1 yr 1 yr 6 months
ECG At age 40 1 yr 6 months
Audio 5 yr 2 yr 1 yr
Serum lipids WCI WCI 6 months

Class Two (PPL & Balloon)

Age 18 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 Over 60
Validity 5 yr 2 yr 1 yr 6 months
ECG At age 40 At age 40 2 yr 6 months
Audio 5 yr 2 yr 2 yr 1 yr
Serum Lipids WCI WCI WCI 6 months

Class Two (SPL)

Age Under 40 Over 40
Validity 2 yr 2 yr
ECG At age 40 2 yr
Audio 5 yr 2 yr
Serum Lipids WCI WCI


Age Under 40 Over 40
Validity 5 yr 5 yr
ECG WCI ECG at age 40 then WCI & every 5 yrs after age of 50

FAA Medical Certificate Requirements

Applies to SPECIFIC Class of Medical Certificate

First-Class Airline Transport Pilot Second-Class Commercial Pilot Third-Class Private Pilot
DISTANT VISION 20/20 or better in each eye separately, with or without correction. Same as First Class 20/40 or better in each eye separately, with or without correction.
INTERMEDIATE VISION 20/40 or better in each eye separately (Snellen equivalent), with or without correction at age 50 and over, as measured at 32 inches. Same as First Class No requirement.
ELECTRO-CARDIOGRAM (ECG) At age 35 and annually after age 40 Not routinely required. Not routinely required.

Applies to ALL CLASSES of Medical Certificate

Near Vision 20/40 or better in each eye separately (Snellen equivalent), with or without correction, as measured at 16 inches.
Color Vision Ability to perceive those colors necessary for safe performance of airman duties.
Hearing Demonstrate hearing of an average conversational voice in a quiet room, using both ears at 6 feet, with the back turned to the AME OR pass one of the audiometric tests below.
Audiometric speech discrimination test: Score at least 70% reception in one ear at an intensity of no greater than 65 dB. Pure tone audiometric test. Unaided, with thresholds no worse than listed below:
Sound Levels
Ear Condition 500 HZ 1,000 Hz 2,000 Hz 3,000 Hz
Better Ear 35 dB 30 dB 30 dB 40 Db
Worst Ear 35 dB 50 dB 50 dB 60 Db
ENT No ear disease or condition manifested by, or that may reasonably be expected to be maintained by, vertigo or a disturbance of speech or equilibrium.
PULSE Not disqualifying per se. Used to determine cardiac system status and responsiveness.
BLOOD PRESSURE No specified values stated in the standards. The current guideline maximum value is 155/95.
MENTAL No diagnosis of psychosis, or bipolar disorder, or severe personality disorders.
SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE A diagnosis or medical history of “substance dependence” is disqualifying unless there is established clinical evidence, satisfactory to the Federal Air Surgeon, of recovery, including sustained total abstinence from the substance(s) for not less than the preceding 2 years. A history of “substance abuse” within the preceding 2 years is disqualifying. “Substance” includes alcohol and other drugs (i.e., PCP, sedatives and hypnotics, anxiolytics, marijuana, cocaine, opioids, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and other psychoactive drugs or chemicals).
DISQUALIFYING CONDITIONS Unless otherwise directed by the FAA, the AME must deny or defer if the applicant has a history of: (1) Diabetes mellitus requiring hypoglycemic medication; (2) Angina pectoris; (3) Coronary heart disease (CHD) that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant; (4) Myocardial infarction; (5) Cardiac valve replacement; (6) Permanent cardiac pacemaker; (7) Heart replacement; (8) Psychosis; (9) Bipolar disorder; (10) Personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts; (11) Substance dependence; (12) Substance abuse; (13) Epilepsy; (14) Disturbance of consciousness and without satisfactory explanation of cause, and (15) Transient loss of control of nervous system function(s) without satisfactory explanation of cause.
NOTE: For further information on Medical Standards, contact your Regional Flight Surgeon.

Malawi Medical Certificate Requirements

One Airline Transport Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE), Private Pilot with Instrument Rating
Two Private Pilot , Flight Navigator, Flight Engineer, Cabin Crew
Three Air Traffic Controller, Flight Dispatcher
The following examinations are required periodically as shown below for the appropriate class:-
Class Validity Period of Certificate Mandatory Mandatory Special Examination
One *12 months*============= For single -crew commercial air transport operations carrying passengers have passed their 40 th birthday *reduced to 6 months*===== For commercial air transport operations carrying passengers have passed their 60 th birthday *reduced to 6 months*===== Chest Radiography Audiograph ECG At initial examination then only required in situations where asymptomatic pulmonary disease can be expected. Once every 5 years up to age 40, then every 3 years after age 40. At initial examination, then annually after the age of 50.
Two Age less than 40 years * 24 months*============== Passed their 40th birthday * 12 months*============== Chest Radiography Audiograph ECG At initial examination then only required in situations where asymptomatic pulmonary disease can be expected. At initial exam, then every 2 years after age 50. At initial exam, at first exam after age 40, then every 2 years after age 50.
Three Age less than 40 years * 24 months*============== Passed their 40th birthday * 12 months*============== Chest Radiography Audiograph ECG At initial examination then only required in situations where asymptomatic pulmonary disease can be expected. At initial examination, then once every 4 years up to age 40, then every 2 years after age 40. At initial examination, then every 2 years after age 50.
Note: For Class 1, 2 & 3 , all HIV seropositive applicants shall be assessed as unfit unless the applicant’s condition has been investigated and evaluated in accordance with best medical practice and is assessed as not likely to interfere with safe exercise of the applicant’s licence or rating privileges; early diagnosis and active management of HIV disease with antiretroviral therapy reduces morbidity and improves prognosis and thus increases the likelihood of a fit assessment (Reg.200 ff; 201 ee; 202 dd).

Request an Appointment

    Medical Team

    Dr. Edma Naddaf

    DHA Licensed Clinical Psychologist, GCAA Designated Aeromedical Examiner (AME) Specialist

    Dr. Gehad El Gergawy, MD

    Cardiology & Aviation Cardiology Specialist

    Dr. Katia El Sibai

    Consultant Endocrinologist, Diabetes and Metabolism

    Dr. Luay Al Azzawi

    Specialist Aviation and Aerospace Medicine

    Dr. Neil Philip Galletly

    Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatology &
    GCAA Specialist Aeromedical Examiner in Gastroenterology

    Dr. Safia Anwar Mohammed

    Specialist Family Medicine & Aeromedical Examiner, OEUK Doctors, Master Aesthetics.

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