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in Global Healthcare
29 Apr 2021

Back to School – Safety and Precautions

As we get used to a new normal and schools and offices reopen in full capacity, it becomes the need of the hour to practice meticulous safety and precautionary measures. Children need even more care and attention than before and this puts a lot of pressure on teachers and caretakers. Here are some measures that can be taken to ensure a safer environment for our children in schools.

  • Make sure children wear their masks properly before they leave the house
  • Do not send them to school if they show any symptoms
  • Remind them not to touch their face, eyes, mouth or nose as much as possible
  • Make sure social distancing is followed in the bus
  • Encourage children to not gather in groups in and around the school
  • Have a bottle of hand sanitizer handy at all times and ask to use it frequently
  • Advise children not to touch surfaces that are common to the public
  • Ask children to keep their desks clean and not share stationery or other items with friends
  • Remind them to wash hands thoroughly before eating and not to share food, cutlery or water bottles
  • Teach children to put away their mask safely while eating



  • Give them a refresher on the proper way to sneeze or cough (covering the mouth and nose using a tissue) so that they protect themselves and their classmates.
  • When they return from school, make sure their shoes and bags are left in a designated spot every time. Encourage them to take a shower before changing into fresh clothes.
  • Speak to the teachers or management if you have any concerns.

While these precautions are taken, it is also necessary to protect yourself and your family by strengthening the immune system. Our team of doctors and nutritionists can help holistically improve the health of your family and enable you to tackle COVID-19 effectively.

To know more or to book an appointment, call 800 4272 or email .

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