Accredited by
The Gold Standard
in Global Healthcare
30 Jan 2021


CST supports health in the body and has a good reputation for its effectiveness in helping many young babies’ ailments. It is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions and restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system.

A baby’s position in the womb and their birth experience can have a significant impact on their wellbeing and development.

The compressive forces on a baby’s head and neck before and during birth can cause an imbalance in their system. Often these imbalances relieve spontaneously after birth when the baby cries or suckles. In some cases, when the labor was long, the birth process was complicated or a when a ventouse or forceps were used, this spontaneous ‘un- molding’ process is often incomplete.

The strain on a baby at birth may lead to dis-balances, misalignments, asymmetry in their system, causing difficulties as

  • Colic and reflux
  • Breastfeeding difficulties
  • Digestive or elimination difficulties
  • Excessive crying, difficulty settling
  • Sleeplessness
  • Head shape problems
  • Unresponsiveness or slowness to reach milestones


By light and perceptive touch, CST can help ease these patterns. Babies and children will often sleep for a longer stretch than usual after a session. Both mom and baby are treated in the session to recognize the very close relationship between the two; if one feels better, so does the other.

To book an appointment with Ms. Brenda Steegmans (Paediatric Physiotherapist), please call 800 4272 or email [email protected]

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